Tuesday, July 31, 2007

Forgiveness is Healing

Forgiveness is healing. We need healing in life because we break so much. We break promises, relationships, commandments and ourselves. We are broken by nature and we break by choice. Forgiveness puts everything back together. It mends, binds, repairs and restores. Forgiveness restores relationships. It restores our relationship with God and with our neighbour. Sin breaks, forgiveness mends.  Forgiveness mends the most serious damage in life, our disobedience to God’s law and will. We are possessed with free will and we choose disobedience. We decide that we are in charge, we can set our own rules and we know what is best. This denies reality. It denies that; as there are physical laws there are moral laws. It denies that God is in charge, that he sets the rules and he knows what is best for us. When we are disobedient we actually turn away from the source of all goodness, truth and joy. This results in life’s greatest problem; separation from God. When we separate from God we go into breakdown mode, our life force sweeps out of us. We decay. The ultimate decay is death resulting in eternal separation from God. Forgiveness and mercy is God’s response.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

"Forgive us our trespasses, as we forgive those to tresspass against us"... what goes around, comes around.