Monday, July 2, 2007

Faith is Affected by the Resurrection

Jesus Christ rose from the dead. Christ rose from the dead by the power of the Father. It is a historical fact. It is a fact of human history. It is a fact of history because like all facts of history is recorded by real and reliable witnesses of history. Real men and women witnessed the resurrection. Christ appeared to several hundred real people. Not one or two but hundreds. Not in one place or two but in several places. Not at one time, but several times. The resurrection does not depend on faith nor is affected by faith. But faith is affected by the resurrection. It was a real event affecting real people whose faith was affected. There was no mass hysteria or hallucination. Quite the opposite, there was questioning, doubt, and close examination. People at the time applied an evidential approach to proving that Christ rose from the dead. They wanted evidence and proof regarding the person who appeared before them. The risen Christ is real. He was not a mirage. The risen Christ was touched. To witnesses his body was alive and solid. He ate food. He spoke on many occasions. He gave guidance. He instructed. He walked. He set the foundation for his church. The risen Christ is real, as real as the over one billion people in history who believe that Christ is risen. The risen Christ is as real as the hundreds of thousands of real people who choose death and unfathomable suffering rather then deny Christ. The risen Christ is as real as the longest established organisation and largest church in history; the Catholic Church, the visible body of Christ on earth. The risen Christ is as real as all the Goodness that has flowed into humanity since His resurrection; Christian faith, hope and charity has changed the world. It has affected human thought, lives and treatment of fellow man like no other. Christianity has profoundly affected the foundation, the spring well of democracy, health and education systems, economics, social policy and society. Christ rising from the dead proves his divinity. Only God can rise from the dead, no man can, no creature can, and even creation can not cheat death. Only God can conquer death. By rising from the dead Christ conquered sin. The resurrection of Christ is our salvation.

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