Wednesday, June 13, 2007

God has a Destiny for You

God’s plan includes you. In fact if it did not include you, there would be no existence for you. The plan includes every detail of your life, your very essence. God has a plan for you and me, therefore he has expectations. He has a purpose and expectation for all our lives that must be fulfilled. He had an expectation for you even before you were conceived. The mind of God created a master plan of your life down to the finest details even before creation existed. You were conceived twice; first in God’s mind then in your mother’s womb. You were always destined to exist. There was going to be no other option; any other fate. He planned you inside and out, every atom and molecule, every aesthetic and talent, every quirk and endowment, your personality and character. Every moment of every day has been scheduled; every action and thought has been recorded on to the plan. But how can man have free will in such a plan?  The plan is so infinitely ordered and infinitely comprehensive that it takes into account all of man’s good and bad decisions, all errors, faults and sins. God’s infinite wisdom knows all things and sees all things. His plan has taken account of everything. There is no predestination because within his plan he never took away man’s freedom to choice. There is destiny, an end point a purpose in the lives of every single person that has and will exist. There is no predestination; God did not conceive, create any person to fail, error or sin. He has destined us for His happiness but free choice still remains with us.   

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