All of a Person's Choices are Bounded by his Philosophy.
Every civilisation has a philosophy. Civilisations are made of people and the thinking man is a philosophic man. A philosophy directs the way of man’s thinking and correspondingly his life. All of a person’s choices are bounded by his philosophy. Man asks big questions because man seeks big answers. The two biggest questions are; what is reality? And who am I in that reality? Answer those two questions and everything else will follow, as day follows night. We are unique in the universe. No other living thing seeks the big answers. We are self aware of our existence in reality. Man ultimately wants to understand reality and his place in it. He understands that he needs to understand reality because that is where his very existence resides. Modern western civilisation is different from all previous. It is different because it is dangerous. It is dangerous because it has radically changed man’s thinking from slow to fast. Man’s thinking has been changed by technology. The spirit of man has been replaced by the spirit of the machine. In the name of progress everything has been reduced to appearance, technique and process. The new philosophy is based on the idea that “Man can conquer all through technology and scientific know-how”. The focus has changed from reforming man to reforming reality. Man has put aside character, wisdom and discipline in favour of technology and technique. Man has always primarily sought knowledge about himself and his role in existence. This was one of the thinking mind’s ultimate goals. But the modern civilisation extols knowledge of technology over all other knowledge. Man for the first time in history is no longer at the apex of his own thinking. The philosophy of technology says that reality can be reduced to the visible, that which can be deduced and proven by the scientific method. The opposite of this philosophy is that there is something beyond the visible that cannot just be deduced by science. This is the philosophy of supernatural. This philosophy says that there is a God. So modern man is faced with two philosophies of reality. There is no God; therefore anything goes, obey thyself, be the God of nature. Second there is a God; there is objective right and wrong, therefore obey God, be part of nature. But man is not happy with the new philosophy because technology is taking the place of controlling himself. Control thyself has been replaced by obey thyself. His passions and appetites, his pride and ambitions have been unleashed. The thinking mind is getting weaker. It is getting weaker because man has no more self control. The philosophic choice is stark
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