Thursday, May 10, 2007

Man is One Being reflecting Two Demensions

Materialism says that man is a body formed from matter. Spiritualism says that man is a soul that occupies a body. Dualism says that man is two entities; the house is the body, the tenant is the soul. Man is not half or two, he is not part or multiple, he is not subtraction or addition. Man is one being reflecting two dimensions; body and spirit. The soul is not a tenant. The body is not a house. “I” is not a landlord. The soul expresses it’s meaning in the body and the body fulfils it’s meaning by the soul. One is not a prisoner; the other is not a slave. One isn’t caught in a trap the other isn’t a trapper. Our soul, (our mind, will and heart,) is our personality. It was created instantaneously by God not evolved from matter. Instantaneously at conception. Genes are inherited from our parents. Souls are not inherited from our parents but instantaneously created. Evolution cannot produce a Soul. It is impossibility. Evolution produces codes, not personalities. Matter which is made up of atoms and molecules and things cannot create a soul which is not a thing. A thing cannot produce a non-thing. Souls that are immortal cannot come from matter that is mortal. Something that lasts forever cannot come from something that has a beginning and an end. A thinking mind, a self conscious mind, a free will, a personality cannot evolve from matter. The body dies but the soul doesn’t. But the body and the soul are unity. They depart but are reunified for perfection.

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