Hi Robin
Hope u are good. Lol
Catholicism is all about reality and the meaning of reality.
God’s master plan must be your plan. We know God has a plan because he showed us the plan, his map to destiny. But more important, over and above his master plan, God revealed Himself to us. The biblical term for allowing man to know God and his plan is called Divine Revelation. Man has only two choices to understand reality; revelation or guesswork. The difference between these two options is certainty. Revelation allows man to be certain regarding the truth of the data God has communicated to man. This is because God revealed it to man and God is never wrong. With guesswork we are assuming our data and logical conclusions are correct. The wisest, most brilliant minds in history can not give man the guarantee that logical conclusions are correct. All they can confirm is that the conclusions are correct up to the point they are disproved. God’s truths are eternally correct. God revealed data about Himself and his plan. Data which would never have been discovered and known by man except God communicated it to man. Because God decided to reveal his truths we can now be certain of our purpose in creation. We have been given a sun of truth to light our way and we need no longer stumble in the darkness. The thinking mind can observe the world and creation and point us in the direction of a supreme creator but only Divine Revelation can reveal the person of God and his instructions on correct living.
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5:02 AM
God revealed the answer to what is ultimate reality? to the Jews. The answer was Himself. The answer was God. The Jews did not deduce this fact but it was communicated to them by God. It is impossible for man alone to have discovered this fact. Man did not discover this fact like it discovered the law of gravity, or E=MC squared but man was told the nature of reality. We were told by God because there was no other way we would have found out this fact. It is a fact beyond our bounds to discover. God revealed to man something that is sacred and profound. So profound it goes to the heart of reality. God revealed his name. A name is sacred. It is a person’s symbol. The most sacred word to be known by man is God’s name. It was given to Moses at the burning bush. God’s name is “I AM” (JHWH). Ultimate reality is a person, an “I”. Personhood lies at the center of reality. God is unique; there is only one god; he is sole one “I”. God is irreducible. He has no limits; He is infinite; He is “I AM”. He is infinite living present, not bounded by time or space. He has no beginning and no end. The final truth of what is real, the answer to the questions “What is?” “What is that outside my being?” “What is really real?” is God. God is Ultimate reality. We know this because God revealed it to his
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4:59 AM
We are not determined. We have free will, we are responsible for our choices and decisions. We can choose right from wrong. But we are also born with a selfish instinct. We are selfish by nature. It is a fact of human existence. This selfishness we call “original sin”. Our being conditions our choices and resulting actions. We do bad because we have badness within us. We also do good because we have goodness in us also. But we have a free will to choose. We can choose goodness over the badness within us. We are not determined but are led, pushed and pulled by our selfish condition. We are not victims of conditions or conditioning. We can choose to obey our instincts or resist our instincts. This is the great battle of living. We are responsible because we can choose our response to life. We respond through our thoughts, words and actions. We can confirm this reality by external and internal experience. The external world is drawn to what is wrong. We see it in politics, business, economics and society. The “means justifies the ends” philosophy. Today more then ever the world seems to be overwhelmed with problems of it’s making; it’s own sinfulness We also confirm it when we look into our hearts and our tendency to do bad. But we can choose alternatives that are contrary to our conditions and conditioning. All living is a relationship with God. Every thought, word and action, every moment of our lives are solely in the context of our relation with God. There is no other way to live. People whether they are ignorant of God, ignore, avoid, try to hide or accept God all have a relationship to God. We know this because all of creation and man in creation cannot exist without God. There are only two possibilities in this relationship; faith or sin. All that is not faith is sin. All that is not sin is faith. Faith is belief but more so; it is trust and fidelity. Sin is breaking the trust and infidelity. We are not determined because we can choose with our free will either faith or sin.
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2:06 AM
Forgiveness is healing. We need healing in life because we break so much. We break promises, relationships, commandments and ourselves. We are broken by nature and we break by choice. Forgiveness puts everything back together. It mends, binds, repairs and restores. Forgiveness restores relationships. It restores our relationship with God and with our neighbour. Sin breaks, forgiveness mends. Forgiveness mends the most serious damage in life, our disobedience to God’s law and will. We are possessed with free will and we choose disobedience. We decide that we are in charge, we can set our own rules and we know what is best. This denies reality. It denies that; as there are physical laws there are moral laws. It denies that God is in charge, that he sets the rules and he knows what is best for us. When we are disobedient we actually turn away from the source of all goodness, truth and joy. This results in life’s greatest problem; separation from God. When we separate from God we go into breakdown mode, our life force sweeps out of us. We decay. The ultimate decay is death resulting in eternal separation from God. Forgiveness and mercy is God’s response.
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5:41 AM
Christ forgives sins. Christ came to earth to save man from the disease of his soul which is sin. That was Christ’s purpose in his life. This purpose is continued from Christ’s time through to our present time and for the future of the world through the Catholic Church. The Church forgives sins because it is the body of Christ. Only the Church can forgive sins on earth. If the Church could not forgive sins there would be no hope of eternal life. We need God because He is infinite love and goodness. We need his grace because we are sinners. We need to be loved despite being sinners. When we admit we are sinners, we admit we are not intrinsically good. It is a fact that we are sinners; it is the greatest truth of human existence. The world denies this truth, avoids it, cannot accept it, and covers it up. It tries to bury this truth under fallacies, distractions, psychology, counselling, self help, religions, philosophy, superstition, addictions, hedonism, materialism and any other infinite avoidance tactics the human mind can conjure. The world perpetuates a fairy tale which it knows that like all such tales at it’s heart is a great untruth. The fairy tale is that it will all work out and we’ll live happily ever after. But no matter how the world tries, deep down it cannot ignore the elephant in the room; sin.
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1:24 AM
Christ brought a new kind of love to the world. This love was new, never known nor seen ever before by man. This love was not romantic nor desire nor friendship, nor parental nor affection. The love that Christ showed the world was that love that made and powers creation. This love is not natural human love but supernatural and divine. This love went beyond human reason because reason could not realise this new love. Man’s love is temporary and transient. Man breaks his promises, bonds and his feelings of love are fickle, here today, gone tomorrow. Gods love is permanent and real. God’s love is not a subjective feeling but an objective fact. God’s love is purposeful and motion. God’s love is not passive but infinitely proactive. God’s love powers the universe and everything in it. Christ showed us God’s love by his life and death. We call this love Agape. It is the greatest of all loves because it is God’s love. We choose this love by the will. We choose this love by submitting our will to God’s will. For when we choose God’s will we allow God’s love to flow through us. Agape is the explanation for creation for it is the reason for creation. This love is the essence of loving God and loving our neighbour. It is to love God without limit and loving our fellow man without exception. Agape is the love of God above all else and the love of neighbour for the love of God. Agape love is a choice not a feeling. We can choose Agape love even when we don’t have loving feelings. When we obey the commandments we choice the greatest love which is Agape. This love is self-less, self-forgetting, self-sacrifice and other centered. It is the love that reaches out not only to our loving neighbour but to our unloving ones also. It is love of our enemies, those that hate, despise and want to do us harm. This is radical love because even when we are justified to hate, we are now required to love. Agape love does not discriminate against any fellow human because God created all and loves all. Jesus said:” You have heard that it was said, 'Love (agapao) your neighbor and hate your enemy.' But I tell you: Love (agapao) your enemies and pray for those who persecute you, that you may be sons of your Father in heaven. He causes his sun to rise on the evil and the good, and sends rain on the righteous and the unrighteous. If you love those who love you, what reward will you get?” (MT 5:43-45) This love is unconditional, non-discriminatory, voluntarily chosen, active, volitional and self-sacrificing. It is the reflection of God’s self-sacrificing love for mankind. It is love of others even unto death. This love does not depend on any loveable or unlovable qualities that our neighbor may possess.
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6:25 AM